
Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all! As we like to call it here at the Crow's Nest Easter Feaster! Our Easter Sunday was a wonderful day. We went to the Traditional Latin Mass at our parish and had our parents over for Beef Bourginion and chocolate orange cake, yum! JJ was excited that he got to eat chocolate and I was excited to check my Target Daily deals. Confession time: I love checking Target's daily deals, even though I hardly ever buy any of them, so that is one of the things I gave up for Lent. I am kind of embarrassed by it but the savvy saver in me is proud when I find deals. I was thinking of our baby Cecilia in heaven a lot. I thought about how she would be six almost seven months now and how we would read her the Easter story and take her to Mass. I really missed her and I felt so connected to her during Mass, which is appropriate.

Lent was fruitful for me, I tried to spend less time online and blogging. I think I did an ok job. There was a lot of reflection and decisions made during Lent. JJ and I decided that it would be in my best interest for my long term health to go ahead and have the ovarian wedge resection to help treat my PCOS. My surgery date is Wednesday April 17th, we wanted to have it sooner but that is the earliest time we could get. I am not too nervous, I just want to get it done and get it over with. JJ and I have thought hard about this and prayed about it for almost a whole year and after trying readjusting my diet, seeing a naturopath, losing some weight and taking various supplements one thing has remained, the dominating estrogen in the post peak phase. PCOS sucks and we want to be the most aggressive we can against this disease and prevent future problems like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. We are at peace about our decision and want to get it done and start the recovery process. I am a little nervous about spending up to three days in the hospital though. We are starting a novena the Sunday before on the 14th that you can find here .

Of course we may not have to do the surgery if we got pregnant this cycle, which is highly unlikely because I did not take clomid this cycle or any cycle for that matter. I don't have very much hope of being pregnant anymore but it does not bring a sad feeling to me so much it brings more of a feeling of letting go. That has been a theme around here lately, letting go. Letting go of my dreams and my plans for God's plans for my life. The book I read for book club in March Hind's Feet on High Place by Hannah Hurnard was really helpful with that. Though I did not vote for it and it did not sound appealing to me at all, I am glad I was out voted. I highly recommend it, especially how it relates to infertility.

Please send up a prayer for my father in law today as he is under going hip replacement surgery today. Please pray for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery! I pray everyone has a blessed Easter season!


  1. Many prayers for your surgery. It is wonderful that you and JJ are at peace with it--it will make everything about it so much easier. I hope your recovery will go well. Many prayers for continued peace.

  2. Letting go is so hard! I wil definitely be praying for your surgery. Happy Easter!

  3. Prayers for your surgery and for your FIL. I will join you in that novena...can you put up a reminder on the day it starts? Yea...I am doing a horrible job at remembering things these days. Happy Easter to you too!

  4. Many prayers for you and your FIL. I'll try to remember to take those intentions to adoration with me on Thursday. I'm not sure what everyone else there thinks, seeing me pull out my iPhone, but it's to check in and make sure I remember all the prayer requests. Happy Easter!

  5. I hope your FIL's surgery went well.

    I will be praying for you and will definitely be joining in the Novena.
