
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Adopt-A-Blogger July!

I am so honored and blessed to have been chosen to be July's Adopt-A-Blogger.  I feel like I won an Academy Award or something! I told JJ I was chosen and he kind of shrugged and said "great, what does that mean?"  then I told him that it would mean people we may not even know would be praying for me/us for an entire month, then he got really excited. Welcome to those who are finding out who I am for the first time and thank you so much for the prayers!

I am Kat and I have been married for 5.5yrs to JJ(as he is known on the blog). Here is a brief history of our story as a couple and here is our TTC journey. We have been TTC for 4.5yrs and we miscarried our Cecilia back in January 2012. We are being treated with NaProTechnolgy for our fertility issues. We were that couple during marriage prep. that firmly wanted a large family to show the world that large families are the best, we talked about having no less than 5 children but we really wanted 10! I see now how God has humbled me from thinking that I have control over this. I have learned so much from this journey and have been broken down and humbled so many times. 

We started looking into adoption earlier this year and then stopped because of lack of funds, I did not want to get my hopes up for something I knew we could not start to pursue at this time. JJ and I had talked about adoption when we were engaged so it has always been at the back of our minds, we just thought it would be after we had a few biological children. We are not open to going through foster care at this point, but maybe someday. I am trying to figure out what God wants us to do with our marriage if it is not to raise our own children, so I am in a time of discernment right now. I am a CrMS practitioner intern who just took my final in May and hopefully passed. I became a practitioner because of this IF journey so it has brought about some things in our lives that never would have happened without it. 

Prayer is such an important part of my life and who I am it is also an important part of JJ's life so we are so humbled and blessed by your prayers. Being chosen this month is so providential for a few reasons: one, my 29th birthday is July 16th; two, we are renewing our Marian consecration on July 16th feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; three, we just moved into our new place as of July 1st which is a crazy leap of faith for us; four, we recently decided to stop all medical treatments for our subfertility at the end of the year; five, JJ has not been working since the end of February which has put a hold on all adoption savings and pursuits. So we have a lot going on right now and these prayers are coming at the perfect time! Thank you all again for your prayers this month, know that I do not take them for granted and I will be soaking in the graces. 


  1. Hooray!!!!! So excited to pray for you and JJ A LOT this month!!!

  2. Soo excited you were picked.. Praying up a storm for you & JJ this month.

  3. You're such a worthy intention! I pray for July to be fruitful!

  4. So exciting! Continued prayers coming your way :)

  5. yahoo! this will hardly be a change but hopefully I will start praying for you guys even more than i already do!

  6. So happy for you, Kat!! I will be praying for you and JJ too. This is also my birthday month :)

  7. Yay!!! I will definitely be praying for you!!!

  8. Sending many prayers your way this month, it was a blessing to visit your blog and learn more about you. God is with you!

  9. Yay!! We'll definitely be offering up so many prayers for you this month and for all you have going on! And Happy Birthday month too! :)

  10. I'm excited to pray for you this month, as yes ... you as July's Blogger of the Month is NO coincidence! I hope God reveals His plan to you this month and pray for direction.
    And most definitely ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  11. Happy to pray for you this month!
