Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December Part 2

December continues with the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and our 2 year wedding anniversary! I got a dozen roses with one white calily. I was sick with a cold for our anniversary but we still had a special day watching movies and relaxing. My sister-in-law helped me to make Christmas decorations for our baby Christmas tree. It was very mexican w/ OL of Guadalupe as the background and making tamales for the first time. Then on Christmas day we spent the day with my family and the day after with Jack's family eating those delicious tamales.

We are still celebrating Christmas until Epiphany which is Jan. 6th for us as it is in Mexico. We also got to spend some time visiting with our very good friend Br. Mark Menegatti O.S.A. We went over to Hollywood and chilled at a Coffee Bean over there. We actually found this really good mediterranean food place over there. It was nice to spend some time w/ Br. Mark before he went back to Chicago.

Stay tuned to see what new adventures await us in 2010...dun dun dun. Shalom and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Love the flowers! Congrats on your two year anniversary! Love!
