Sunday, January 11, 2009

Crazy Week...

This week has been pretty adventurous and crazy. On weds. I helped my friend in her classroom with some work and it was tiring but it felt good to help her get organized. Then my friend Amelia stopped by my house out of the blue, it was nice. I got to eat food from one of my fav. places Pita Pita! the hummus from there is sooooo good. Thursday i relaxed and did some housework then we went to Trader Joe's (the grocery store). Then we went out for dessert with our new friends Xochitl and Juan:)It was nice to venture out and be random.

Friday was crazy i went to the flower mart in downtown LA with a lady from our church and my father-in-law, Papa Crow. We got some nice flowers for the picture of Our Lady of Sorrows in the church. I got some white gerberas and blue/white carnations for the house. After that i came home made an apple pie, Jack got home and we were off again to a healing Mass. The drive was kinda far so we stopped and got Taco Bell on the way it was not one of our smartest moves. The Mass was kinda long but they had adoration prior to Mass so that was good. Then we went over to an awesome family's house, the Toapanta's. There was apple pie, Mexican hot chocolate and coffee. I had chamomile tea; i know i can't believe i passed up coffee, but my stomach was having the Taco Bell effect. Then we watched part of Signs. We left in the middle of the movie and ended up watching the same movie when we got home.

Saturday was spent all day at the hospital with my grandma, she had gone in on Friday because she fainted and hit her head. Her medical situation is complex and we are not sure if she can live alone anymore. Her nurse is very nice and tells her jokes. It makes my grandma laugh despite her situation. I gave her the blanket I made her for Christmas finally, it was purple, her fav. color, and dark grey.

Today we are chillin' ! We need to rest due to our crazy week. The plan is Coffee Bean, Mass and then the hospital to see grandma. Jack got a little wired after Coffee Bean and decided to break dance. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. i love hummus! i just ate some today :) the flowers are pretty, we rarely have blue flowers here...ill be praying for your grandma, but it sounds like she has a great nurse, i hope to be fun like that someday! and my current fav color is purple too. :)
